Thursday, April 8, 2010

chap 10 rhetorical act 3

This "stylistic" paragraph is an excerpt from from an essay I wrote last year called "Escaping the Skinner Box" that was a response to another essay. The "plain" paragraph is something I came up with to show the dichotomy. (I know I kind of did the exercise backwards, but I tend to write stylistically all the time because its easier for me to think in figures and tropes rather than just a plain style)

Plain- The fact remains that within a system a profound talent can easily elevate his or herself. Without surprise the system is not meant to be easily analyzed it banks on protecting itself. The responsibility of the talented and creative population is large because they are the ones who can change the path for the masses. It is not hard to conceive why it is for this reason that many of the creative talent become apathetic towards his or her environment and the seemingly unchangeable system.

Stylistic- The point nevertheless, remains that within the rules of a system profound and monumental talent can elevate easily, presumably because he can see outside of the system, he can see possibilities that those who are so intertwined with the system are oblivious to. This is not surprising though, the system isn’t meant to be transparent, the system is made to be deceiving and self-preservatory. The load on the shoulders of the profound talent is gargantuan because with his gift of sight he can see the flaws of the system and knows that they are inevitably recurring and that it is not until all bridges over troubled water have been burned and forgotten can there be any hope of a new more humane, more civilized, and less deceiving system can dig root and evolve. Cue the apathy; it’s not hard to see why the heart of humanity, the talent chooses to, instead of fighting the losing battle of changing the unchangeable system, in quiet anger manipulating the system to thrive at the expense of it and its minions respectively out of the resentment to its injustices.

1 comment:

  1. President Obama has thrown the term "transparency" in his recent efforts to unite the American people and the established government. The ironic thing is, he isn't clear on what the heck he is talking about! He uses rhetoric to talk in circles and confuse the American public. Which brings me to another question, who's fault is it that the people are confused? Who's fault is it that the "system" is not transparent?
