Thursday, March 4, 2010

rhetorical act #2

Rhetorical activities #2
The term “war on terror” is an ameliorative term for terrorists that raise their rhetorical status from what they really are, criminals, to what they want us to think of them as, soldiers, furthermore soldiers of God.
1. The Rhetorical Situation
A town hall in Colorado Springs. The point for discussion: War on terrorism. Furthermore the repercussions of the terminology implemented since 9/11 regarding the “war on terror.”
2. Why is the Audience Hostile?
The audience is hostile for a number of reasons. First they are hostile as a community in close proximity to a large concentration of Military families who inherently disagree with anyone who questions the aspects of the war they may have friends and family serving in.
3. List emotional response to issue/situated ethos
- Anger- for perceived unpatriotic
- Fear- of terrorism should the war be abruptly ended
- Possibly hope/optimism?- should the audience be persuaded
4. List some pathetic proofs
- Calling the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq “war on terror” raises terrorists to the status of warrior from rightful status criminal
- Kids are recruited into terrorist organizations by propaganda (rhetoric) put out to romanticize notions of being soldiers of Allah. If we portray these terrorists to the world as criminals, they will lose their edge of prestige thereby facilitating the fall of these schools of thought.

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