Wednesday, March 10, 2010

intro to law prog part 2 and 3

Intro- The Colorado minimum wage laws remain a large crutch to the functioning of the state infrastructure by continually trapping Coloradoans from a low Socio-economic background in a vicious cycle of poverty.
Hostile Crowd- Although we live in meritocratic society where if one is intelligent and works hard enough they can vertically raise their status from poor to affluent, it must be recognized that life chances, including getting an education and getting out of low income neighborhoods for families in poverty is almost impossible on a minimum wage income of 7.25 in Colorado.

Constitutionality/Consistency- The distribution of income obviously favors the middle and upper class citizens in American and more and more do we see the concentration of income and wealth in these respective classes irrespective of the American ideology of equality. Today in America, equality is going to cost you and minimum wage can’t afford it.
Hostile Crowd- If America is truly the land of equality then the gap between the lower class income and middle and upper class income should not have the wide gap it does today. It is not only unfair to the families trying to survive and raise children on a 7.25 an hour salary but is respectively unfair to those who end up paying taxes to support these same families when they must go on welfare.

Justice- It is only just that the government passes legislation to begin to close the gap between the economic classes with the idea of reaching some version of economic equality. Raising the state minimum wage would be a first step in the right direction.
Hostile Crowd- In this economic recession we all must tighten our belts; we all know and understand this. However, we must also help to support our fellow Americans whether they are rich or poor, whether he or she owns a large business and now more than ever feels the pain of the recession, or the cashier working for minimum wage at a local grocery store trying to feed two elementary school aged children. We all must do our part.

Expediency- Now is not the time to debate whether there is a problem with the labor laws in not only Colorado but in the United States because while Republicans and Democrats at the Capital in Denver are debating whether or not there are really poverty stricken people living on the lower east side of Pueblo Colorado, there are mothers who cannot afford to buy enough food to feed her kids until her next pay check.
Hostile Crowd- We all are hurt by the malicious labor laws dictating unrealistic minimum wages in Colorado. If the working class cannot afford to live then how can they be expected to continue to work and contribute to the infrastructure keeping the institutions the middle and upper class depend on for their way of life. Raising the minimum wage will be an investment into the future of life as we have come to expect where around every corner there is some working class laborer behind that Starbucks counter making minimum wage brewing your coffee.

Practicability- It is only practical that the minimum wage be raised in Colorado, unless of course, the state is trying to somehow sit back and wait until the lower class fades away into poverty. Out of sight out of mind, right?
Hostile Crowd- Is it practical to raise the minimum wage in Colorado for the middle and upper class citizens? Many of whom bled sweat and tears to reach the prestigious status they have obtained in his or her life. The answer is logically, no. Raising the minimum wage would more likely than not have some negative repercussions to the taxes of the mentioned groups as government and businesses will have to find ways to rebalance their budgets to cater to new labor laws. However impractical it might be the real question lies in theoretical question, “Do all Americans deserve at least an opportunity join in the race for the pursuit of happiness through education and occupation?”

Conclusion- to truly be a country where one can come from rags and through individual talent rise in his or her life to riches, they playing field must be even. Raising the minimum wage in Colorado is the first step in achieving this goal.
Hostile Crowd- The notion of freedom and the American dream is the reason our families immigrated to this country and to deny the poor in America even the most minute chance to succeed by keeping them poor with minimum wages that are not sufficient enough to support ones basic needs is a tragic evolution of American Business ethics that needs to be corrected with policy immediately.

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