Thursday, February 4, 2010

prog question 1

Prog #1
Commonplace exercise: someone who commits an act of terrorism.
Prologue- Since humans are entitled to freedom from fear, and since people from all backgrounds, from every spiritual circle, and from any ethnicity are entitled to the pursuit of happiness, it is inherently wrong to commit acts of terror.
Contrary- To fully understand the atrocity of terrorism and terrorist acts one must first put themselves in the shoes of a victim of terrorism. Imagine for a moment, the fear the families of the victims of 9/11 must feel about flying having been so closely associated with that terrorist act. The reach of the negative effects of terrorist acts like 9/11 or the Christmas hijack attempt transcends the initial event and inspire fear in the targeted group of the terrorists. Terrorism is warfare that not only targets taking human lives, but targets instilling fear into its enemies.
Exposition- Even though it is hard to believe that the United States is susceptible to acts of terrorism, in the larger world scope terrorism is a quite common occurrence. Acts of terrorism are sometimes confused with civil disobedience, but the two are nothing alike. Civil disobedience is a political statement, while terrorism is a malicious act against a group of people with the intention of surgically implanting fear in them and those like and around them. Such acts are intolerable.
Comparison- An anarchist defaces a national monument because he disagrees with the government; a terrorist blows up a government building because he hates the United States.
Intention- While it may be justified to attack another country under certain circumstances for political reasons, acts of terrorism and the people who commit acts of terrorism implement no reason into their violent acts. Also it may be justified in some cases to use intimidation tactics against sovereign states in issues such as nuclear proliferation, however terrorism is unbearable.
Digression- Anyone who insists on disturbing the peaceful existence of people by terrorizing the innocent is of evil nature. This nature of evil only emphasizes the cowardice of terrorists.
Rejection of Pity- You may be tempted to empathize with the initiative to facilitate social or societal change, however do not fall for this attempt to justify the unjustifiable. Choosing to commit an act of terrorism is an irreconcilable act any way the event is assessed and terrorists deserve no pity.
Legality- If it is truly a priority of government to protect the pursuit of well being of people in the United States more should be done to make sure America is protected from terrorists.
Justice- It is therefore just to commit terrorists to a court of law for appropriate punishment.
Advantage- The world would be better if steps were taken to further implement protective measures in the United States against terrorism as the guarantee of freedom from intimidation would be upheld.
Possibility- It would be impossible to round up all of the terrorists in the world and put them through the justice system, however it is both possible and essential that steps must constantly be taken to make sure that citizens of the United States are free from fear of terrorism.

1 comment:

  1. You say that steps need to be taken to protect the US from terrorism. How would we do this? I know this is a tough question, but I am curious to know what you suggest. Honestly, I'm not sure what I would do to prevent terrorism. It would be so nice if there were no such thing as terrorism and evil in the world. I know that that's not ever going to be possible.
