Thursday, February 18, 2010

prog act

I misread the assignment and accidentally did the wrong assignment, I hope this will work, this was actually kind of funny to write.

Prologue: While the actions of an individual taken out of context can create distorted complexions of a person’s character, what remains indubitable in the essence of human nature is that oppressive and coercive tendencies in incidents of sexual harassment and other acts of a like nature are both unjustifiable and unforgivable in any situation. While the bitter reality remains more commonplace to hear of incidences of latter nature occurring in predominantly less educated and more chaotic and unstable settings such as such as low income neighborhood homes, to hear of highly educated individuals who are in positions of power and influence, like Politicians, taking part in acts of sexual harassment, exceeds the norm of taboo in society.

Announcement of the person being blamed: Senator Johnson mirrors the stereotype of the far right, evangelical, conservative politician. However, Johnson’s stand on Roe V. Wade or Don’t ask Don’t tell is not the topic for discussion today. Recently three male interns of Johnson have come forward and announced publically that Senator Johnson has made inappropriate sexual advances toward them on more than one occasion. The brave victims furnished the proper authorities with explicit identical emails sent from the Senator to all three individuals, prompting them to engage in sexual favors in return for recommendations.
consideration of origins: Senator Johnson’s colorful and diverse background lies in a strict, Aristotelian, east coast upbringing.

education and interests: Senator Johnson’s demeanor is that of a Businessman. Johnson spend the first four years of his higher education in New England. He later went on to receive his MBA at the University of Chicago Business school. “Lets talk numbers, no time for philosophy. ” His politics are grounded deeply in his ideals. With the glory God, and faith, anything in the United States is possible. United States is the only place in the world where a man with an ethic for hard work and faith can, freely, rise from a simple immigrant with nothing to a successful capitalist or an influential politician.

achievements: Senator Johnson’s list of achievements reads as follows, Graduated in the top half of his class at the University Of Chicago, somewhat success in east coast business ventures, inherited large sum of money from his parents “old plantation money,” that he effectively put to use in his Campaign for the United States Senate seat in his newly beloved state, Idaho.

Comparison: It is not inconceivable to fathom that a man of Senator Johnson’s stature may be disconnected to the problems and issues faced by lower and middle class citizens in the United states by virtue of his somewhat elite, conservative upbringing, however, this upbringing implies a certain responsibility to modeling to the masses a way of life that is admirable.

Epilogue: Sexual crimes of any persuasion are both archaic and inhumane, not only inherently but under the fundamental rules our our constitution that dictate the freedom and equality in which this country was built on. Senator Johnson violated all of these pinnacles of humanity using his position and power in a manner that not only disgraces him, but disgraces all of the hard work done by humanitarians and public servants to ensure that the United States is, and will remain the land of equality. And for these reasons Justice should be served in punishing Senator Johnson to the extent of the law for his crimes against humanity.

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