Thursday, January 21, 2010

Prog # 2

Progymnasmata #2
(encomium) Entropy as it would appear came into focus for one split second in time when out of the organic mind of Albert Einstein the theory of relativity was born. Below the surface of consciousness the world stood still for a second as the heavens marveled at notion that divinity had been one-upped by the human potential. The equation that changed in more ways than humanity can even begin to conceptualize. E=MC^2 meant a new beginning for the way the world was to be viewed. The vantage however cast by this brave new idea illuminated the necessity for humanity to reevaluate itself not only scientifically but philosophically, not solely politically but indeed metaphysically as man had discovered not only the secret to his everlasting existence, his elixir, his presumable God, but entangled respectively his means to extinction, his arsenic, his Lucifer.
(paraphrase) The key to ultimate creation and destruction lies in the simple equation E=MC^2, where “E” represents the units of energy, “M” represents the units of mass, and “C^2” represents the speed of light squared. The validity of this equation suggests that at the core of existence mass and energy are one and the same and are able to, in facilitated conditions, be physically transformed from one to the other.
(cause) The cause of this discovery along with its place and time are questions it would appear may be better to simply not ask as the best explanations offer man no catharsis and embody highly esoteric paradoxes. Was it out of fate or grace or sin or pure chaos that the splitting of the atom dawning in the atomic age occurred? These questions the philosophers of the future will ponder, argue, and criticize for generations. For contemporary purposes the point in which to focus is that there is no going back now and erasing this discovery in the name of humanity is out of the question. Responsibility for what man does with atomic power stands paramount to even the most gargantuan problems the world faced before Einstein’s discovery. Man, creating the means for his immortality and his extermination must evolve. If man evolves he will triumph.
(contrast) In contrast, however, history shows that man may not have been ready for the responsibility of controlling the power of the Atom. The morning the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima a rift that transcended time and space colored the story of man a more melancholy gray leaving in the static the faith of the masses, who stood still, waiting, hoping for signs of any conceivable form of biological altruism.
(comparison) Finally sensitized to the magnificent power of the building blocks of life modern civilization who engaged in, within a quarter of a century, two of the bloodiest and most brutal wars in history has since refrained from acting on international disputes in such an impulsive and reckless manner.
(example) The familiar saying of developmental psychologists that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” embodies the nostalgic consciousness of a post WWII civilization. The sudden resurgence of the will to humanity through peace and diplomacy reflects the evolution of not only the change in consciousness of the United States and those detrimentally affected in Japan, but a universal change of values apparent in international nuclear proliferation programs.
(testimony) There is no consolation for the lives lost in Japan due to the atomic bomb explosions in WWII. However to date there is no better case study to refer to when consulting the immense danger of technology implemented without philosophy stronger than the 1945 use of the Atomic Bomb.
(epilogue)Somewhere between being suspicious and daunted by the triumph and science of Einstein’s theory of relativity, whose simple equation E=MC^2 shook the arrow of time becoming the catalyst of creation, gives reason to remain faithful in Altruism as instinct.

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